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Skelsey Google citations
Skelsey Google citations
Skelsey Google citations

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Skelsey P, Newton AC (2014). Scale-dependent assessment of relative disease resistance to plant pathogens. Agronomy 4:178-190.


Skelsey P, Cooke DEL (2014). Where do we go after Smith? PPO Special Report 16:35-39.


Skelsey P, With KA, Garrett KA (2013) Pest and disease management: Why we shouldn't go against the grain. PLoS ONE 8(9): e75892.


Zhang X, White R, Demir E, Skelsey P, Fitt B et al. (2013) Leptosphaeria spp., phoma stem canker and potential spread of L. maculans on oilseed rape crops in China. Plant Pathology. doi: 10.1111/ppa.12146


Skelsey P, Newton AC (2013) Potential impact of future wind speeds on spatial spread of crop pathogens in Scotland. Policy brief delivery for Scottish Government.


Skelsey P, With KA, Garrett KA (2013) Why dispersal should be maximized at intermediate scales of heterogeneity. Theoretical Ecology 6:203-211.


Garrett KA, Forbes GA, Gómez L, Gonzáles MA, Gray M, Skelsey P, Sparks AH (2013) Cambio climático, enfermedades de las plantas e insectos plaga. In: Jiménez E, editor. Cambio climático y adaptación en el Altiplano boliviano. Bolivia: cides-umsa. pp. 71-98.

Skelsey P (2011) Scale-dependent landscape epidemiology. Phytopathology 101:S167.


Garrett KA, Forbes GA, Savary S, Skelsey P et al. (2011) Complexity in climate change impacts: an analytical framework for effects mediated by plant disease. Plant Pathology 60:15-30.

Skelsey P, Garrett KA, With KA (2010) Interaction between pattern, process, and scale in plant disease epidemics. Phytopathology 100:S120.

Skelsey P, Rossing WAH, Kessel GJT, van der Werf W (2010) Invasion of Phytophthora infestans at the landscape level: how do spatial scale and weather modulate the consequences of spatial heterogeneity in host resistance? Phytopathology 100:1146-1161.

Skelsey P, Kessel GJT, Holtslag AAM, Moene AF, van der Werf W (2009) Regional spore dispersal as a factor in disease risk warnings for potato late blight: a proof of concept. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149:419-430.

Skelsey P, Kessel GJT, Rossing WAH, van der Werf W (2009) Scenario approach for assessing the utility of dispersal information in decision support for aerially spread plant pathogens, applied to Phytophthora infestans. Phytopathology 99:887-895.

Skelsey P, Kessel GJT, Rossing WAH, van der Werf W (2009) Parameterization and evaluation of a spatio-temporal model of the potato late blight pathosystem. Phytopathology 99:290-300.


Skelsey P (2008) Multi-scale modeling of potato late blight epidemics. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 257 pp.


Skelsey P, Holtslag AAM, van der Werf W (2008) Development and validation of a quasi-Gaussian plume model for the transport of botanical spores. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148:1383-1394.


Skelsey P, Kessel GJT, Moene AF, Rossing WAH, van der Werf W (2008) How to include regional spore dispersal into spray recommendations for potato late blight? Development and proof of concept of a novel decision support tool. Acta Horticulturae 834.

Skelsey P, Kessel GJT, Rossing WAH, van der Werf W (2008) Invasion of virulent Phytophthora infestans strains at the landscape level; does spatial heterogeneity matter? Acta Horticulturae 834.



Skelsey P, van der Werf W, Kessel GJT, Rossing WAH, Holtslag AAM (2007) Multi-scale modelling of infection pressure from Phytophthora infestans. EPPO Bulletin 37:313-316.


Skelsey P, van der Werf W, Rossing WAH (2007) Simulation of potato late blight in the Netherlands: Validation of the BLIGHTSPACE model reveals dichotomy in the epidemiological effects of resistance components. PPO-Special Report 12:161-164.

Evenhuis A, Skelsey P, Bosmans S, van der Werf W, Rossing WAH, Hoekstra RF (2007) Phytophthora bij de bron hard aanpakken. Gewasbescherming 38:251-256.


Skelsey P (2006) Multi-scale modeling of effective infection pressure from Phytophthora infestans. Phytopathology 96:S108.


Skelsey P, Jacobs AFJ, Hofschreuder P, van der Werf W (2006) Comparison of atmospheric dispersion models for the short-range transport of lycopodium clavatum spores above a potato canopy. PPO-Special Report 11:101-104.

Rossing WAH, Skelsey P, Kessel GJT, van der Werf W (2006) Sensitivity of potato late blight epidemics and potato yield to variation in initial inoculum density: a model-based analysis with implications for predicting atmospheric transport of spores. PPO-Special Report 11:35-37.


Skelsey P, Jacobs AFJ, Hofschreuder P, Kessel GJT, Rossing WAH, van der Werf W (2006) Multi-scale modeling of effective infection pressure from Phytophthora infestans. IOBC WPRS Bulletin 29:125-129.


Skelsey P, Rossing WAH, Kessel GJT, Powell J, van der Werf W (2005) Influence of host diversity on development of epidemics: an evaluation and elaboration of mixture theory. Phytopathology 95:328-338.


Skelsey P, Rossing WAH, Kessel GJT, van der Werf W (2005) Model analysis of the effect of initial inoculum density on potato late blight epidemics and potato yield: implications for modeling atmospheric transport of spores. Phytopathology 95:S98.

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